Thursday, August 31, 2006

Posts on Planning

I can’t believe that this is the last day of August and I have not been able to write a word all month.  My day job involves tower sites and they have been most susceptible to lightening strikes this month.  I’ve been very busy with equipment failures and therefore falling behind on major projects that were also due this month.  Of course I still have all the church responsibilities as well.  All of that equals no writing for the blog.  I pray that the storms will pass soon both literally and figuratively.

In the past month there has been some excellent writing on other blogs that I would like to share with you if you haven’t read these already.  You know my passion for planning and preparation so these are in that mindset.  Enjoy!

Agile Ministry has had an excellent series of posts on growing your ministry.  Check these out.

Growing Your Ministry

Growing Your Ministry Through…Purpose

Growing Your Ministry Through…Structure

Growing Your Ministry Through…Process

Growing Your Ministry Through…Interviewing

Growing Your Ministry Through…Procedures

Anthony Coppedge has written a couple of posts that have struck a nerve both good and bad.  Check these out.

Big and Little Church Excuses

"Help! I Can't Plan My Sermons in Advance!!"

Perry Noble hit a home run, scored a touchdown, kicked a game winning goal and other various sports analogy clichés with his post on planning yesterday.  Check out this post.

Have A Plan!!!

I hope to be back to writing soon!