Wednesday, October 11, 2006

God is at work in Charlotte too!

It seems that God is at work in the region and not just upstate South Carolina.  Thanks to Tony Morgan for reminding me of another church much closer to me than Newspring who is also getting it done in their back yard.  That church is Elevation Church in Charlotte, NC

Seven families decided to pack up and move to Charlotte and plant a church.  They started back in February with 98 people.  This past weekend they had attendance of 735.  That is phenomenal growth.  Here is another example of a church who is investing in the people around them to reach them for Christ.

The need is great in Charlotte.  I have worked in this city for ten years and I have witnessed as this city’s population has increased to nearly a million people the need for Christ has also risen.  I rejoice with Elevation Church and hope to visit them soon.

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