Tuesday, October 11, 2005

It Was God!

Have you ever been involved with something happening and the only explanation is it was God?  I had that October 2nd and the week following.  
At the last minute without planning, preparation or practice, which goes against my core media ministry teaching, I decided to move my low end digital multi-track recorder from our sanctuary to another venue to record the special worship service we were conducting.  I used a spare aux send on the mixing board to send audio to the recorder.  I didn’t even check the audio level that was there until I set record as the service was starting.  I put on the headphones to make sure I heard audio and then I left it be.  

The speaker that day was Adrian Despres of Kingdom Building Ministries.  Adrian is the epitome of “He called some to be…evangelist”.  God has gifted this man as a communicator.  I thought he would have an impact because we have been hearing about him ever since we started attending our church back in 2000 from when he had been there in 1998 I believe.  His name comes up every year as we discuss revival.  I now know why.  I highly recommend Adrian Despres for any special event or revival you may be planning.

I had been warned that Adrian would speak longer than we are normally accustomed to so we planned to have one service that Sunday from 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.  That was planning on Adrian speaking for 45 minutes.  I had recently ordered a 512 MB compact flash memory card for the digital recorder which would give us 98 minutes in mono.  I thought that would be perfect.  I was wrong.  Our service did not conclude until after 1:00 p.m. and I ran out of memory on the recorder before Adrian was finished speaking.

Now for the God part!  Have you ever seen your entire church go forward at the invitation?  That is what I witnessed from the sound booth.  400+ people going forward to confess sin, rededicate their lives to Christ and to receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.  What a sight to behold!  That was God!  

On Monday I started listening to the audio in .wav format.  The spoken voices for announcements and other things sounded ok.  The singing voices lacked amplitude.  The instruments just sounded bad.  The worship leader did not sound as good as I know he can sound.  I was disappointed in the audio to say the least.  Then Adrian came on and I was amazed at the sudden clarity, fidelity, amplitude and lack of noise.  I started thinking of what microphone I had him use.  The microphone was nothing better than what everyone else had used if not worse.  The .wav recording was ready to convert to .mp3 as is.  I sampled it again and found no fault.  Like I said before I ran out of memory before Adrian had stopped speaking so I thought I would have to do some editing and end at a part that still got the points of message across or I was going to have to scrap the whole project.  The recording could not have shut off at a better point in the message.  No editing needed.  I converted to .mp3 and listened to that on my computer.  It sounded great for computer speakers.  I then burned it to a CD in about 15 minutes which was excellent compared to other burns I had did.  This was for 65 minutes of his message at almost 700mb; a full CD!  I took the burned CD in and played it on my home theatre system and I was blown away at the quality.  It sounded as good as the CDs that I had purchased recently from Living on the Edge with Chip Ingram; minus the professional narration, lead in and packaging of course.  All of that was God!

I know when something is beyond understanding, beyond the capabilities of equipment and beyond my own human abilities then it has to be God.

Thank you, Lord, for allowing me to be a part of “rightly handling the word of truth”. (2 Timothy 2:15)


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