Friday, July 14, 2006

Back to Basics: Media Ministry - What & Why

This is Part 1 in a series of articles in getting back to the basics of Media Ministry.

What is Media Ministry?  

Let us take a look at exactly what is “media”.  Media is the derived plural from the word medium which I know conjures up negative connotations but when you look at the definition of the word medium it gives a different view.

  • An intervening substance through which something else is transmitted or carried on.

  • An agency by which something is accomplished, conveyed or transferred.

  • A means of mass communications.

We use different forms of media as an intervening substance to transmit or carry the message of Jesus Christ.  Our audio and video systems convey or transfer what the Lord has laid on the heart of the Worship Leader to the congregation.  We use media to communicate to as many as we possibly can at any one time.

We use media such as our website and our A/V systems to bring people to know Jesus.  We use printed publications, DVDs and projectors to help aid in discipleship classes to help people to grow in Jesus.
We use portable sound systems and show videos of the mission field to facilitate sending people to show Jesus.

Some examples of media are:
  • Audio/Sound

  • Video (backgrounds, presentation, produced, own films)

  • Lighting

  • Web site

  • Publications (newsletters, bulletins, inserts, posters)

  • Recorded media (CD, DVD, MP3, MPEG)

  • Special effects (fog, snow, aroma machines)

Why should we use media?  

Our primary use of course is to bring glory to God and to be a representative of Him in all that we do first and foremost.

Colossians 3:17 (NLT) 17And whatever you do or say, let it be as a representative of the Lord Jesus, all the while giving thanks through him to God the Father.

Our church has a mission statement that states:

Bringing People to Know Jesus
     Helping People to Grow in Jesus
          Sending People to Show Jesus

That mission statement sums up our evangelism, discipleship and missions emphasis.  Are we using media to accomplish that mission statement?  We should be.

We know from the teachings of Jesus Christ that He used what was relevant and available to Him to create a word picture in the minds of His disciples and others that were following.  In Matthew 13 alone Jesus uses a mustard seed, yeast, wheat and weeds, hidden treasure, pearl merchant and a fishing net to explain the Kingdom of Heaven.

Today we should also be using what is relevant to the culture of today and that is media.  We are a media saturated society and people today are being bombarded with the message of the world.  Media is amoral.  It makes no distinction.  So what is used to convey the message of moral relativism and social depravity can also be used to spread the truth of God’s Holy Word and the awesome gift of life through Jesus Christ.

Media is an invaluable and powerful tool in ministry and should always be used with the mindset of bringing glory to God.  Let’s use we got.  The world and Satan are using it very effectively and it is time we do the same.


Anonymous said...

This is good stuff...thanks!

Anonymous said...

Well thought out and encouraging words on media ministry.