Saturday, December 23, 2006

Greg Atkinson: Jesus Is The Reason For The Season

I have been meaning to take the time to feature this guy for quite a while now but had just not found the right time to do so.  His name is Greg Atkinson and his blog is Church Video Ideas, plus he writes a column for Monday Morning Insight as well.  Although he now lives in the Dallas, Texas area he is a native of South Carolina so that raises him a notch in my book.  Not that there is anything wrong with anywhere else.

Greg has some of the best ideas that I have heard when it comes to video.  Of course I’m a sound guy so everything in video sounds like a good idea.  No, he really knows what he is talking about.  He also gives excellent reviews on all the top distributors of graphics and motion backgrounds and videos from sites such as Worship House Media and Midnight Oil Productions and many others.  This is one of the best sites for those of involved in technical ministry.

Greg was obviously picking up on my brain waves this week as I have been struggling with exactly what he wrote about this week.  Or maybe all of us heavily involved in ministry struggle with this same thing.   Check out…

Jesus Is the Reason
You’ve heard the saying many times I’m sure: “Jesus is the reason for the season”. With all the December festivities, events, parties, concerts, productions and services, it’s tough to remember and live out that simple phrase. So, I must ask, how’s your December going? In the midst of the craziness and busyness of the season are you intentionally finding time to get away in your private prayer closet? Are you too busy “serving God” that you miss out spending time with God? Trust me, these are questions I ask myself and must constantly keep before me.
Click here to read the rest of the article.

It is so true that I have been too busy doing the “Lord’s work” but not really serving the Lord.  I have been too busy with ministry to focus on personal time with the Lord and with my family.  This is why I was prompted to write the article this week, Reflections on Service.  I realize that I need to put aside my perfectionism and reallocate some time to be with people on my team that I know are capable of doing what I have been doing.

Thanks Greg for an excellent article!  


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the kind words. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

What's a guy got to do to get added to your tech blog list?

Ernie Stevenson said...

Man, I am so sorry! So many people have went to subcriptions and other readers such as Bloglines or Feedblitz that my actual page hits have plummeted. I have not spent much time on the site itself other than switching to the new blogger and changing templates. Thanks for keeping me in line. I need not forget those that usually find this site by searching.