Saturday, December 23, 2006

We Are the Reason for the Season

I got to thinking about the popular slogan that has emerged in the last several years as groups have become more and more hostile about the meaning of Christmas.  I’m, of course, talking about “Jesus is the reason for the season”.  Now I will admit that the reason we have Christmas is because of Jesus’ birth but He is not the reason for the season.  Let that one sink in for a moment.  Why did God send His only Son to earth to be born a helpless, defenseless baby?  Why did the heavens just not open up and Jesus in all His glory and righteousness and majesty come down and proclaim that He was here to save the world?

The reason is us.  We are the reason for the season.  We needed a savior and we needed an example of how to live.  Jesus is that Savior and He is that example of how to live.  Jesus was born and raised up and lived just like you and me to show us how to live.  What makes Jesus different from us is that He lived a blameless, sinless life.  He died on the cross as a sacrifice for the sin of the world and that makes Him a Savior.   God did not need to do anything but He loves us so much that He yearns for a relationship with us His creation.  God actually wants!  He wants us!  Isaiah says…

Isaiah 9:6a (NLT)
For a child is born to us, a son is given to us.
(Emphasis mine)

As Mary treasured in her heart the gift of God born of her that night over 2000 years ago, I pray that you treasure in your heart the gift that God has made available to all of us in Jesus the Christ.  Remember as the gifts are being passed out in your house this season that we are the reason for the season.

Merry Christmas!


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Indeed! My conviction for a while in spite of the opposition to the gracious idea!
