Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Fired Up!

Perry Noble wrote a post on his blog last year titled Creating An Experience in which I linked to from this blog because I think he hit the nail on the head about church services.

Obviously he has also caught a lot of flack from that post because he expounds on that post with some bold statements in which I believe he is also correct. One thing that really caught my eye was when he stated that, “Once again (I said this in my first post) THIS TAKES EFFORT!!! It takes prayer, planning and preparation…and either you will do it or you won’t. It really is that simple.” Wow, that sounds familiar. I have been saying that for a while now. Starting with this post. It absolutely takes effort. I have a problem with people that do not want to put forth an effort to serve our Lord and Savior because of whatever their selfish reasons are. You either want to do your very best to offer something pleasing to God or you are taking up space. Nothing fires me up more than to have someone poorly plan and prepare a service or special event that is intended to be worshipful and then expect us to perform what they envision with no practice or even prior knowledge of what was going on in their head. I must say I don’t think much prayer probably went up either.

OK this is kind of getting away from what Perry is talking about in his post so please take time to read his post I’m a Little Fired Up!!!

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