Saturday, March 24, 2007


I'm chasing a rabbit through Technorati when I click on a link and I get this...

There are blogs, and then there's whatever you just typed in. If it's a blog, we don't know about it. Maybe you made a typo. Or maybe it's a blog that doesn't exist. Maybe you don't exist. (In which case, please ignore this.)

If Technorati is going to cause me to question my existence then maybe I should reconsider using them. Just kidding! I had never seen this and I found it amusing so I thought I would share.

Have a great day!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Shure Donates $50,000 to Support Hearing Conservation

Shure Incorporated announced that it will again donate $50,000 this year to four organizations as part of the Shure Listen Safe program: Columbia College (Chicago), Hearing Education and Awareness for Rockers (H.E.A.R.), The House Ear Institute (HEI) and the National Hearing Conservation Association (NHCA) Scholarship Foundation.

Click here to read the rest of the article.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Audio Tips From Going to 11

Dave has a couple great posts on audio tips that he has dicovered recently. Check it out at Going to 11.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Unleash Conference

WOW! I believe that is how Perry started out his post last night about the Unleash Conference and I would most certainly agree. I would have loved to post last night but I had some things that needed to get done before this morning. I’m also sure there are many reviews of the Conference already this morning seeing that Todd Rhoades, Gary Lamb, Chris Surratt, Pete Bishop, Steven Furtick and of course Tony Morgan and Perry Noble were all there. Also an anchor, Tonia Bendickson, from the channel I prefer to get my local news from was there with the Elevation crowd. All of the aforementioned guys have blogs that I read on a regular basis and the only one I had to chance to talk to was Tony Morgan and that was brief. I would have loved to seen a blogger meet and greet since so many of us were there but I believe that it would have needed to be the night before or something like that. Oh, yeah, this is about the conference.

I decided a few weeks ago that going to this conference would also be an excellent time to take a night and spend with my wife away from the house and kids so that is what we did. We arrived Wednesday evening after approximately a 100 mile drive. We had dinner and decided to go over and take advantage of the early check-in and find our way before the big day. The volunteers were nice and told us to take a look around and so we did. It was then that we met Sydney. She engaged us in conversation and was great to talk to and drew out a shortcut for us to take between our hotel and the church. That was a great help.

The next morning we arrived and after being directed to our parking place we departed our vehicle and were greeted by no less than 5 volunteers in the parking lot. I would say probably another 15 greeted us before we made it to the area of breakfast foods and drinks. I thought that was awesome but maybe a little too much for someone like me who had not yet had their first cup of coffee. Throughout the day the people of Newspring Church were outstanding. I have never seen a group of volunteers that excited about serving. One that keeps standing out is Sydney whose path we kept crossing. She was as helpful each time as the first time.

The first main session was titled “Go For It”. After an awesome time of worship through song, Perry jumped right in with both feet. If you have never heard Perry speak you can almost imagine what it is like if you read his blog. He writes just like he speaks. His four points were to establish creative environments, look beyond ourselves, pay attention and focus on what matters. Let me tell you that these four things apply to what ever area of ministry you are leading and not just senior pastors. I strive to create an environment that people want to serve. I preach looking beyond ourselves because what we do in media ministry is an offering to God. I don’t know how many times I have told my team to PAY ATTENTION. It is crucial in technical arts ministry to know what is going on. Of course that is made much easier with planning, preparation and practice. The last point was focus on what matters. In media ministry as in all ministries that is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He is the reason we are serving at all. I have said it before and I will say it again, if you are serving in a technical role just because you have an aptitude and feel obligated then you there for the wrong reason. Focus on Jesus!

The break out sessions were in a question and answer format. Not my favorite but I could deal. I attended the Newspring Experience and then Blogging in Communications. Our worship leader attended Leading Authentic Worship and told me that Joel Yates (audio engineer) was answering questions. If I had only known I would have been in there. As a group we tried to cover all of the sessions provided so it worked out.

Perry Noble from time to time states that a lot of times he feels like he has no idea what he is doing. I got that same sense from his staff in these break out sessions. And you know what? That is OK! These guys are not supposed to have all the answers for your church. They were good on telling what their experiences have been, where they have struggled in the past and where they are struggling now. It is up to us to glean from that and incorporate into our own ministry. I gained some tidbits that I can use and I appreciate that. I thought they did an excellent job!

The second and last main session was amazing. You know it has been a while since I had a chance to not have to concern myself with production or operate sound, video or lighting and just enjoy what was going on. Let me just say that I let all of the encumbrances of my hectic life just melt away and I praised my Lord. I want to thank Lee McDerment (worship leader) and the band and all of the singers and all of the people making it happen behind the scenes to allow me to have that precious time. THANK YOU!!!

Perry’s second session was titled “The Leadership Challenge” and he let it rip. I can’t remember the last time or if ever I heard someone tear into the institutions established by the church like I did yesterday. And he was right.

Perry’s four points on this session were Moses simply listened and obeyed, Moses didn’t compromise the vision, Moses didn’t try to do it all and Moses was willing to attempt anything. If you couldn’t tell he was using Moses as an example of leadership.
A quote that really stuck to me was when Perry said, “Leadership is as easy as listening to God.” I know that I have been struggling on what to do in some areas and I now realize that I have not been listening close enough. After some time with a friend this morning I realize that I’m in the will of God. I have just wanted to see too far ahead. My friend reminded that God will be a light to my feet and a lamp to my path but He is not going to illuminate the whole way for me to see. It all comes down to me trusting God. That is where I’m at right now. I need to trust God completely.

On the next point Perry points out that powerful people will try to altar your vision and that is so true. Don’t compromise what God has given you!

Thirdly, don’t try to do it all. Perry was all over my toes on this one. I want to be needed but I’m not. I need to let go and allow members of my team to grow. I use to be more diligent on asking my pastors what I could do for them and how I could help them better prepare for services but that has faltered. I’m going to get back to doing that and allow my team to do that as well.

The next and last point is a sticking point. Be willing to attempt anything. In other words, THINK BIG!!! I know that I have no idea what God is capable of doing through our church and ministries but I’m willing to let Him lead me. So many have God stuffed in a box and He is in there broke too. We as a church need to stop stifling the vision that God has given to the men and women He has chosen to do His work. You have all heard the old adage “Lead, follow or get out of the way!” That is the way that I feel about church and ministry right now. If God has given you a vision then you need to lead. If you can understand the vision that God has given someone then you need to follow. If you don’t fall into one of those then you need to get out of the way and start searching for where God wants you to be. I know that I’m going to be in a struggle because I serve in a committee led impaired church. Where do I plug in the vision that God has given me for using media and technology for His glory and purpose? I don’t know yet but I’m going to let God light my steps as I continue to follow the charge He has given me in 2 Timothy 4:5

2 Timothy 4:5(NLT) 5But you should keep a clear mind in every situation. Don’t be afraid of suffering for the Lord. Work at bringing others to Christ. Complete the ministry God has given you.

I believe that Unleash is going to become one of the premiere conferences and I look forward to attending again next year. Thank you so very much to all of those involved in this conference for the experience.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

When Things Go Wrong

Pete Bishop has an excellent post about how to prevent catastrophe or just looking like an idiot when things go wrong on stage. Check out his post.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Gambling On God

Do you ever take your token, I mean tithe, and put it in the slot, I mean plate, and pull the lever for a big jackpot, I mean pray to God for a big return. How often do we as a church promise big returns from God if we tithe?

We recently did a short sermon series on stewardship titled “Give It Away”. This series was based on Malachi 3:10

Malachi 3:10(NLT) 10Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will be enough food in my Temple. If you do,” says the LORD Almighty, “I will open the windows of heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great you won’t have enough room to take it in! Try it! Let me prove it to you!

This verse is used every year for a push in tithing. Now, don’t get me wrong. I believe that tithing is of course biblical and is absolutely relevant to this day and age. Why we are giving a tithe, I believe is often misguided. We should not being giving to God in hopes of “a blessing so great you won’t have enough room to take it in” for ourselves. That blessing should be for the church as a whole. I think so many believe that if they give, then God will reward them financially. He may or may not. With that attitude the giving of a tithe is no better than gambling at a slot machine.

God does not need our money. In all actuality it is all His anyway. We are just called to take care of it for a little while. We are called to be stewards of what He has given us. The definition of a steward is someone who manages property or other affairs for someone else. We don’t own anything. God calls us to be stewards so that we can show Him our devotion and our surrender to Him.

It is more a matter of the heart or of attitude that whether we give or not. God knows our heart and He is looking for those of humility and trust in Him. He is seeking those that are giving not for their own selfishness but for a greater reward that only comes from God. He is looking for those that give to see what God will do in others more than what He will give back to them.

2 Corinthians 9:7-8(NLT) 7You must each make up your own mind as to how much you should give. Don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. For God loves the person who gives cheerfully. 8And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others.

From this passage we can see that God wants us to trust Him wholeheartedly. God will provide all that we need. Not what we want but what we need. You can take that one to the bank.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Steinberg Presents Internal Mixing DVD-ROM Tutorial Series

Steinberg is pleased to announce that it is distributing the Internal Mixing serries of tutorial DVD-ROMs. Internal Mixing is an essential resource for disk recording application users who do their mixing mainly inside their workstation. It provides hands-on strategies using computers to make powerful, clear and perfectly balanced mixes and explains how to create them without using expensive outboard equipment.

With more than 160 minutes of video in Volume I and over 180 minutes of video on Volume II, Internal Mixing covers tried and tested methods for achieving that often elusive sound known from professionally produced CDs and DVDs.

More information is available at

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Fairlight Crystal Core Training Session in Atlanta

For those of you in the Atlanta area that are in the professional audio & video industry.

FairlightUS, the exclusive distributor of Fairlight digital audio and video technologies in the United States, will host a special showcase and training seminar on the groundbreaking Crystal Core (CC-1) digital media engine at Comprehensive Technical Group (CTG) in Atlanta on March 14th. The event will be preceded by a sneak preview and cocktail reception at R!OT Atlanta on March 13th at 6:00PM. Both events are open to audio professionals working in the post production, broadcast and music recording markets and will be held in close cooperation with CTG, FairlightUS’s distribution and support partner in the southeastern United States.

FairlightUS and CTG will run four two-hour demonstrations on March 14th at 10:00AM, 12:00PM, 2:00PM and 4:00PM. CTG is located at 2030 Powers Ferry Road, Suite 130. Reservations may be made by calling (404) 352-3000 or emailing The demonstrations will cover all areas of recording, editing, ADR, sound design, sound for picture tips and techniques and the business of professional audio.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Serve Your Country as an Audio Engineer

The U.S. Air Force is accepting applications for audio engineers in their Band Program. Check out all the details at this link.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

It's Not a Problem; It's An Issue

That is what we say every time someone calls our over-crowded worship services a "problem" Well, obviously our church marketing does not suck because we have been busting at the seams at our 11:00 a.m. service. It is definitely God at work in our community because other than mailing post cards a couple of times over the past 6 months we have not done anything to promote our church. We currently do not even have a web site. I shut the old one down over a year ago because it was just plain horrible and definitely not worthy of an offering to our Lord and Savior and not a representation of this body of believers. So what is really bringing people in? The answer is our people at work in the community. Our people actually getting their hands dirty out in the neighborhoods doing what ever to show the love of Jesus. That has been free water or hot chocolate at public events; our own version of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition for some needy families and sometimes just lending a helping hand when needed.

In our discussions, one thing that has come up that is a problem. That would be our overflow room. I have been disgusted with the audio and video quality from the very first time I witnessed the room. But it has never been a priority until now. Now that many more have witnessed the atrocity that is the "TV Room" the complaints have multiplied 10 fold. My plan is a whole new video distribution system. I have used video over CAT-5 in another venue with success so I'm leaning towards doing the same here. I also need to replace cameras. We just don't have the space for camera operators so I'm going with robotic PTZ type cameras. I have a plan but I'm limited in my knowledge of video equipment so I don't know what is worth considering. I'm looking for direction from any of you that may read this blog about what you are doing in the area of video distribution.

I'm excited about reaching more and more in our area with love of Jesus and telling them about the abundant life that only comes from Him. We obviously need to show that our Jesus is worth worshiping and presenting an offering that if our very best in service and in media and technology. I can't wait to get started...

Advances in Technology, HA!

You would think with all of the great strides that we have made in advancing and improving technology that the new dates for Daylight Savings Time would be no big deal. You would think that we could load a patch and distribute remotely. Think again! It appears that this coming Sunday morning at 2:00 a.m. I will be manually setting time on several Unix servers. I don't think I mind so much that I have to set these manually but the fact that it is a Sunday is what bothers me most. I had already obligated myself for technical services on Saturday night for a special event and then Sunday morning services... I sure am glad I'm on vacation the rest of that week.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Weatherman Was On Something!

I had almost forgotten about Mark Mathis until Todd at MMI had a video clip featuring the best of, or worst of depending on your perspective, this embattled weatherman. Fans loved him and station managers hated him. He was one of those guys you couldn't help but like. Mark was only on the air for about 3 years at WCCB here in Charlotte but was the talk of the town on many occasions. He actually was a regular on stage at the Comedy Zone. Todd asked "What's this Weatherman On?" Apparently several things which finally led to his firing even after several failed attempts to rehab. We lost track of Mark in 2004 but rumor has it that he accepted Christ while in one chemical dependancy program. We can only hope and pray that he did or does. Mark is now Chief Meterologist at KREX-TV in Grand Junction, CO. Thanks for the laughs!