Saturday, March 24, 2007


I'm chasing a rabbit through Technorati when I click on a link and I get this...

There are blogs, and then there's whatever you just typed in. If it's a blog, we don't know about it. Maybe you made a typo. Or maybe it's a blog that doesn't exist. Maybe you don't exist. (In which case, please ignore this.)

If Technorati is going to cause me to question my existence then maybe I should reconsider using them. Just kidding! I had never seen this and I found it amusing so I thought I would share.

Have a great day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've always gotten that on my blog and don't know why. I wish I did and it makes me wonder if I exist out there on the web but it never has prompted me to do anything about it.

At least now I know I'm not alone.