Friday, August 26, 2005

Hurdles of Media Ministry Part 2

Usually this hurdle is due to miscommunication on our part and misunderstanding on their part.  We as technical people speak a different language and most of the time would rather be tinkering with equipment than communicating anyway.  Therefore we usually lack the interpersonal skills that pastors have perfected to communicate effectively what we can do for them.  
We have to remember that media is, for the most part, not a ministry unto itself.  It is an extension of every other ministry.  It is a tool to be used.  With that mindset then we can go to our pastors and first and foremost get not on the same page but on their page.  The senior or lead pastor holds the vision of the body of believers that have been entrusted to his care.  We have to learn to communicate effectively how media can be an enhancement of our pastor’s vision.  We have to build the trust of our ministerial staff.  Using media in our churches is still a growing phenomenon and many pastors and ministers do not think to incorporate media into their teaching, building disciples, praise and worship.  Those that are gifted in the areas of audio, video, lighting, web site design and other creative outlets are given a vision of how to incorporate these different mediums into the overall vision of the church.  If you step outside of the overall vision and use media to be using media then it will fail.

You all have heard the old adage “It’s hard to find good help”.  And it is hard but not because the help is not there.  You have to dig to find the gems.  You would be amazed at how many people in your church are technically gifted.  Many times you have to draw them out though.  Like I said before we lack in the area of interpersonal skills so it is rare for someone to just step forward and say, “Hey, I want to be part of the Media Ministry Team”.  As a team leader you have to be constantly on the look out for those that are gifted and you have to approach them and be able to communicate with them.  It is much easier communicating with them than pastors because you already speak the same language.  Many times technically gifted people never find a place to serve within the church and do not grow spiritually because they are not interacting with God through an offering of their gift.
You have to have people because we can not do it all.  I have tried to do it all and it doesn’t work.  You have to have help and as your media ministry grows you need a lot of it.  Make sure you keep your team well informed and well trained and make them a part of everything that you envision with media.  That helps develop ownership and the overall scheme of things flows much better when your team has a sense of ownership in the ministry.
Ultimately people are why we are in a ministry anyway.

The hurdle of personalities encompasses pastors and people.  It is usually not hard to tell who is introvert and who is extrovert.  Those are common personality traits that are tossed about.  But how about who is resilient and who is reactive?  Who is a preserver and who is an explorer?  Who is a challenger and who is an adapter?  Who is flexible and who is focused?  And don’t forget the middle of the road personality traits of ambivert, responsive, moderate, negotiator and balanced.  In team building and relationship building you have to be able to recognize people’s different personalities and how to relate to that person whether they are a pastor or one of your team members.  You may not think of your senior or lead pastor as an introvert but they may be just that.  Just because they deliver a message in front of the congregation every Sunday does not mean that they are an extrovert.  You have to get to know people in different settings and different situations.  
When training or instructing you have to be able to discern how people learn.  Do they learn visually, auditory or tactile?  Do they think globally or analytically?  When you develop your training make sure you cover all the different ways that people learn.  For visual learners you need a visual presentation, for auditory you need to be able communicate clearly and effectively and for tactile you need to allow time for hands on.  When you broadcast your vision it is easier to cast an overall picture which will work for those that think globally or big picture down and then allow for questions for those that are more analytical who think from details up.
With all of that being said this is probably the area that I struggle with most.  I have a hard time relating to other personalities sometimes.  One of my personality traits is that I’m a preserver.  In other words I have a low openness.  I’m practical, down-to-earth, efficient and conservative in opinions and set in my ways.  I, therefore, have a hard time with those that have the personality trait of explorer.  They are described as creative, imaginative, or artistic and easily bored.  They tend to be curious and seek varied new experiences.  You may also know them as your musicians and worship leaders.  I have had to ask forgiveness for the many times they have frustrated me to the boiling point.  With the Lords help I have learned how to talk to them, give them what they need and still be able to accomplish the goal of providing a service worthy of the worship of Jesus Christ.  I thank Kent Morris of and Brad Herring of Church Production Resources for allowing themselves to be used of God to point me and many others in the right direction in this area.

After we have cleared all of these hurdles then a media ministry can be used of God to reach the lost, make our fellowship more enjoyable, help in discipleship, enhance our minister’s message, make missions visible, and engage hearts and minds to interact with God in authentic worship.  

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