Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Wisdom in Ministry Leadership

There has been some great dialog in the last couple of days concerning the purpose of media in ministry. I pray for direction daily because the hardest part of media ministry is the ministry I believe. The technical side can be child’s play in comparison to the human factor in utilizing media and technology to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. I’ve been searching and I present a couple of gems of wisdom to you.

Tech is merely a tool of ministry. Technicians are ministers, using their craft and gear to minister and that IS what our mindset
should always be. Tech is a means to an end, not the end itself.

As a church tech team leader, I have both paid and volunteer staff. They all are at different stages, of life, ministry, and spiritual growth. I spend a lot of time speaking into them the 'vision' and why we do what we do. I have found that patience is key. I can't change the attitude of my staff, I can lead by example and preach the doctrine of doing all we do with excellence and a servants heart. It is ongoing and something I have to be aware of all the time.

Being a tech in church is very complicated. Things happen, good things and bad things. Staff always looks to leadership for their reaction to both. We, as leaders, are responsible to praise God in the good times and trust him in the bad. We must realize when
things go correctly that God is glorified and when things go bad that the most important thing we can do is to keep a good attitude and resolve the situation with technical excellence and a servants heart.

That excerpt was from a post titled Why and What at Soundbooth.com. Attitude is sometimes very hard to sequester and patience is hard to come by but they are a key to good leadership. This post mentioned “to praise God in the good times and trust him in the bad.” Let me add to thank God in the good and bad times as well.

1 Thessalonians 5:16 - 18 (NLT) 16Always be joyful. 17Keep on praying. 18No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.

Because we know that God is in all things. It doesn’t matter if it is good or bad. God is there.

Romans 8:28 (TLB) 28And we know that all that happens to us is working for our good if we love God and are fitting into his plans.

Now I’m usually the one that likes to whine first but then I realize that I have to eat the cheese too. I might not like what is happening and I might get frustrated that the same problem keeps popping up and sometimes I get down right angry. When it comes down to it I have been given the responsibility for media ministry at this church. I need to become the “solutionist” or I need to seek out “solutionist” from my team.

Anthony Coppedge had this to say in his post today titled Tech Leadership: “The Right Solutions”;

Become a solutionist and bring comprehensive options to your leadership. It won't get fixed on its own; you need to be the catalyst as a solutionist!

Anthony also had this to say;

As you can tell, what I'm describing is nothing more than open, honest communication without pretense. Hearing me say it is one thing: living it out is another!

“Open, honest communication without pretense” is what I have learned is a must with dealing with anger, frustration and other’s personalities. It is a key to resolving conflict, building relationships and getting the job done. Living it out is most certainly difficult.

Thank you very much gentlemen for your posts of wisdom. They have helped me tremendously and hope they do others as well.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Suffering in Media Ministry

I recently posted links to a series of articles by Anthony Coppedge on dealing with burnout which were excellent. I now want to explore a contributor to burnout and that is unfortunately sometimes your church family or a team member or two. We who have been called to be ministers in media and technology understand the importance of striving for excellence to enable us do things right the first time and we do that with prayer, planning, preparation and practice. Many times we do not understand why everyone else can’t see the importance of those steps or for that matter the importance of the ministry in which you have been called altogether. This can be a real, huge source of frustration and anger.

I’ve been asking myself over the last several weeks why are people content with mediocrity in media and technology when it comes to ministry? Of course immediately Philippians 4:11 popped into my head.

Philippians 4:11 (RSV) 11Not that I complain of want; for I have learned, in whatever state I am, to be content.

I realize that as soon as I complain or make snide comments then I’m not content. This verse though is speaking of our physical needs in which God will provide. What I’m talking about is settling for less. I know many of us as Christians settle to just be saved. We don’t do anything that may require us to take a stand or maybe to suffer for Christ. We want the easy way. Well, Jesus doesn’t want us to settle. He said the way is hard. He wants us to be on fire for Him and His church.

Matthew 7:14 (ESV) 14For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.

Hebrews 2:2 - 3 (NLT) 2The message God delivered through angels has always proved true, and the people were punished for every violation of the law and every act of disobedience. 3What makes us think that we can escape if we are indifferent to this great salvation that was announced by the Lord Jesus himself? It was passed on£ to us by those who heard him speak, (emphasis mine)

Revelation 3:15 - 19 (NLT) 15“I know all the things you do, that you are neither hot nor cold. I wish you were one or the other! 16But since you are like lukewarm water, I will spit you out of my mouth! 17You say, ‘I am rich. I have everything I want. I don’t need a thing!’ And you don’t realize that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked. 18I advise you to buy gold from
me—gold that has been purified by fire. Then you will be rich. And also buy white garments so you will not be shamed by your nakedness. And buy ointment for your eyes so you will be able to see. 19I am the one who corrects and disciplines everyone I love. Be diligent and turn from your indifference.

There are many that actually believe that it is good enough to do a little here and a little there for the church. Jesus Christ gave His everything for us and we should strive to give our very best for Him. When it comes to using media in our worship services “good enough” just won’t cut it. "Be diligent and turn from your indifference." If there are resources available in your church to do a much better media presentation than what you have on your computer at home then USE those resources. If there are resources available to improve your outreach into the community through media and technology then USE them. We need to stop being indifferent to the One in which we place our faith and hope in our daily lives and we need to stop being indifferent in how we present the gospel through media to our church family and our community.

Now to those of you that minister through media as your calling, using media and technology is more than an awesome multimedia presentation and cool gear it is about presenting the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Timothy 2:15 (NLT) 15Work hard so God can approve you. Be a good worker, one who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly explains the word of truth.

We must be diligent to use media just as the worship leader uses music and the pastor uses his sermon to “correctly explain the word of truth”. We facilitate the presenting of the word of truth through our systems. The word media is derived from the word medium which, I know, conjures up negative connotations. So do the words entertainment, performance and production as well but I won’t go into that right now. When you look at the definition of medium it helps explain the tool in which we have been called to use. Same goes for those other words by the way. Medium is defined as:

  1. Something, such as an intermediate course of action, that occupies a position or represents a condition midway between extremes.

  2. An intervening substance through which something else is transmitted or carried on.

  3. An agency by which something is accomplished, conveyed, or transferred.

Our course of action is facilitating a worship service. The intervening substance is our systems and team. We use media (audio, video, lighting, publications, and website) to accomplish sharing the truth of Jesus Christ. We use media to convey the heart of the worship leader to the congregation. We use media to transfer the spoken and written word to the people that need to hear that word. As you can see our calling is not to be taken lightly or with indifference.

I have been suffering lately with illness and in my time away I guess I started into a little self-pity because I was not there at the church to be involved in the ministry that I love so much. Moreover I have been noticing the contentment with mediocrity for quite some time from those that do not understand our ministry and also from some of those that are actually involved in media ministry. I want to challenge you to take a stand for what God has called you to do. Do you really think that God would call you to a ministry if He would not provide you the means to carry out His plan? I want to encourage you that you are not in this alone. I’m going through this right now! The reason I’m writing this post is because God led me right to His Word this morning to encourage me and He will do the same for you. Let me share what the Lord had for me this very day.

Colossians 1:24 - 29 (TLB) 24But part of my work is to suffer for you; and I am glad, for I am helping to finish up the remainder of Christ’s sufferings for his body, the Church. 25God has sent me to help his Church and to tell his secret plan to you Gentiles. 26-27He has kept this secret for centuries and generations past, but now at last it has pleased him to tell it to those who love him and live for him, and the riches and glory of his plan are for you Gentiles, too. And this is the secret: Christ in your hearts is your only hope of glory. 26-27He has kept this secret for centuries and generations past, but now at last it has pleased him to tell it to those who love him and live for him, and the riches and glory of his plan are for you Gentiles, too. And this is the secret: Christ in your hearts is your
only hope of glory.
28So everywhere we go we talk about Christ to all who will listen, warning them and teaching them as well as
we know how. We want to be able to present each one to God, perfect because of what Christ has done for each of them.
29This is my work, and I can do it only because Christ’s mighty energy is at work within me. (emphasis mine)

Isn’t that awesome? Christ’s power is at work in me and in you. Let me also clarify that this suffering in ministry may pale in comparison to the suffering we may endure in our daily lives as we take our stand for Christ but if members of our church family are allowing themselves to be used to the detriment of God’s will for the church then the suffering can be even greater.

Colossians 3:12 - 13 (TLB) 12Since you have been chosen by God who has given you this new kind of life, and because of his deep love and concern for you, you should practice tenderhearted mercy and kindness to others. Don’t worry about making a good impression on them, but be ready to suffer quietly and patiently. 13Be gentle and ready to forgive; never hold grudges. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others.

Pray for me as I pray for you that we may consider our hardships in media ministry part of suffering for the Church as Christ has suffered.

Pray that we may be workers approved of God.

Pray that we may be able to educate others about our calling and minister to our church family in a way that is pleasing to God and works to the unity of the body of Christ. We need to also seek to understand everyone else’s calling and gifts and how we must work together as one body. I believe the problem most of the time is that we do not communicate with each other. Seek out what you need to know to effectively minister from the staff of your church and from your own media ministry team members. Team members, you need to let your leadership know what your concerns and ideas are for the ministry as well. There is an acronym for team.

Together Everyone Achieve More.

All concerns, ideas and application should not necessarily come from leadership. It should be a consensus of the team.

Ephesians 4:1 - 7 (TLB) 1I beg you—I, a prisoner here in jail for serving the Lord—to live and act in a way worthy of those who have been chosen for such wonderful blessings as these. 2Be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love. 3Try always to be led along together by the Holy Spirit and so be at peace with one another.
4We are all parts of one body, we have the same Spirit, and we have all been called to the same glorious future. 5For us there is only one Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6and we all have the same God and Father who is over us all and in us all, and living through every part of us. 7However, Christ has given each of us special abilities—whatever he wants us to have out of his rich storehouse of gifts.

I hope that this post has spoken to you as the Lord has spoken to me this morning and now into the afternoon. It is always great when the Lord gives you a clear understanding of His word for application in your life. When that happens it is best to share because I know that He has this word for someone else out there today too.

I stated earlier that we are all in this together so if you ever have anything you like to share the comment section is available as is also my e-mail if you would prefer that method. I’m a firm believer in helping each other as much as we possibly can. I probably need help more from others than I can give but I offer anyway.

Romans 8:16 - 18 (TLB) 16For his Holy Spirit speaks to us deep in our hearts and tells us that we really are God’s children. 17And since we are his children, we will share his treasures—for all God gives to his Son Jesus is now ours too. But if we are to share his glory, we must also share his suffering. 18Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory he will give us later.


Saturday, January 21, 2006

Effective Church Website Planning

Wow!  Is the Lord’s timing awesome or what?  I was about to make a huge mistake with our church’s website and the Lord leads me to a blog and article that I have never visited before.  The article it titled Ten Things to Know About Your Church Website and is posted on BetaChurch.org

I have not been pleased with our web presence for…well…ever.  Actually if I had visited our church’s website before attending several years ago I probably would have passed.  So when our host contract expired at the end of the year we just let it expire.  Right now we have a web address with no content.  I want to do it right.  As in any other area of ministry, I believe that entails much planning and preparation and prayer.  We want a website that is a true representation of our church and is actually useful.  We need a website that is effective for evangelism and information.

My plan was to start a team that would develop a website that would be honoring to God and not just thrown together.  I’m still going to go ahead with that plan but I was just about to cave and get something put up temporarily.  Then I read this article in which two points were A bad website is worse than no website and Do not follow the path of least resistance…you will regret it.

I’m first and foremost a sound guy and know enough to be really dangerous when it comes to website administration and design.  This article made perfect sense to me and gives me a better understanding of a vision for our own website.  Probably because this article was written by a pastor who a year ago knew less than I do now but has learned a great deal.  I thank this pastor for sharing the wisdom that the Lord has developed in him.

I pray this year I can announce the launch of a website that is honoring to God, truly a representation of our church and useful to our church family.  

Church Media Consultation

In the past couple of years one of the areas that I have learned a great deal about in media ministry is consultation. I have learned that there is a big difference between a church media consultant or church audiovisual consultant and a sales consultant. I have dealt with several “sales consultants” over the last few years. They mostly ask you what equipment or systems you want to purchase or even worse tell you what equipment or systems you must buy. Now a one-stop shop might be great for many things but when it comes to consultation, design, purchasing and installation of a new sound system or projection system it is not. It is nearly impossible for a “sales consultant” to be objective. They are more than willing to sell you $150,000.00 in equipment if you are willing to purchase whether you need it or not. That is an actual rounded quote that I received two years ago for two venues at my church. Naturally my pastor’s jaw hit the floor and I think a lady on the stewardship committee actually fainted. Another “sales consultant” did sell me a projection system. The entire projection system including PC and software bundle, cables and distribution was a good deal and less than what my predecessor had paid for a projector alone but service after the sale has been lacking. These experiences have made me consider what I should be doing to be a good steward. As I met with the $150,000 quote guy, all we talked about was what they sell. When we should have been talking about what our goals are for media ministry. Then discuss the options in equipment to meet that goal.

The main qualifier for a church media or audiovisual consultant is that they are selling their time and nothing else.

What else I’m looking for in a consultant is four-fold:

  1. Knows Jesus – A consultant must know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. A consultant that does not know Jesus doesn’t understand why you are using media as a tool for ministry. They don’t understand using media for evangelism, fellowship, teaching and worship.

  2. Knows Church – There are Christian consultants out there that do know audiovisual systems but do not know about implementing those systems in churches. They may also not understand your goals when most of their consultation is in the corporate world. A consultant should be able to put themselves into the position of the technical director, media minister etc. They should be able to see the vision of media ministry of any particular church and provide guidance when goals or vision is lacking.

  3. Knows Equipment – A consultant needs to know the gear and know what will work best in your application. That means that they have to talk to you and found out what you want to accomplish. They also need to assess what you are using already and look to implement that existing equipment. Hey, we would all like to have new gear but this about being good stewards.

  4. Knows the Business – A consultant needs to know manufacturers and distributors and installers. They need to know who to recommend because after all they are hired to look out for your best interest only. They can also warn you of those companies and manufactures that are not your best choice. Now a consultant may prefer a certain brand or company but that should only be from good experiences with a certain brand or company.

Churches all across this nation have been burned over and over by well meaning lay people, pastors with a lack of knowledge and greedy contractors that know a sucker when they see one. A consultant can save you so much time, money and heartache. Also to all of you that are leaders in media and technical ministry, bringing in a consultant in no way diminishes your ability or knowledge but helps to fortify your position to staff and other church leadership the needs involved with the ministry that God has entrusted to you. Once again it comes down to stewardship.

I look forward to building a relationship with two consultants this year. A relationship for a common goal of empowering kingdom growth. I hope to write about this experience in the months to come.

Sound & Video Contractor has published a few articles on the subject. More Conversations on Consultants can be read here.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Dealing With Burnout

As I have said before I wish I had known of the vast network of those serving in media and technical ministries last year when I was really struggling.  Anthony Coppedge has covered burnout in his last several posts and as usual he nails it.  In Part II Anthony states;

"Hi, I'm Anthony Coppedge, and I'm a recovering church staff burnout person. Not only have I personally experienced burnout, but I have been a leading contributor of burnout to volunteers while I served at one of the three churches where I was on staff."

Last year I was in total burnout and through reading these posts I have come to realize that I’m now contributing to burnout.  Thanks to Anthony I now have a plan of action of dealing with this issue.  Thanks Anthony!

Check out the following post:

Dealing with Tech Arts Burnout! - Part I

Dealing with Tech Arts Burnout! - Part II

Dealing with Tech Arts Burnout! - Part III

Monday, January 09, 2006

State of the Unity Address

While writing my last post, Year in Review 2005, I realized that I have some things that I need to express.  I stated in my last post that I have discovered a lot about the church and it is the body of Christ.  Oh, how I believe that we have strayed so much from being Christ-like in how we deal with society and how we treat each other.  The church needs to be about caring for those less fortunate and absolutely lost.  We need to be about looking past the obvious sin that separates people from God and show them the atonement that is available to them through Jesus.  Jesus said that he came to call sinners to turn from their sins not spend time with those that already think they are good enough. (Matt. 9:13, Mark 2:17, Luke 5:32)  Are we spending time showing others around us Jesus?  It doesn’t matter what their status is or what they are involved in.  They still need the Lord just as at some point we realized we needed the Lord and received Him.  How do they know unless they are told?  

The federal government has received a bad report on how it handled the disaster of hurricane Katrina.  On some levels that criticism was merited and on other levels I believe that it should not have had a role to begin with.  It is not the role of government to take care of those in need; it is the church’s responsibility.  Now there is the issue of personal responsibility being abandoned but that is a deep rooted fallacy of relying on the government for your every need.  It is a failed philosophy that was in place way before Katrina struck the Gulf coast.  The church’s role is to take care of orphans and widows, sick and infirmed, weak and elderly, poor and lost and to minister to the spiritual needs of all.  The people that were devastated by those hurricanes encompass all of those needs.

The church also needs to stop the petty bickering that so many times divides us and keeps us from being Christ-like.  Jesus commands us to love each other in John 13.

John 13:34 - 35 (NLT) 34So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other.  35Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.”  

And because of that love for each other we should be able to tolerate the short comings of others because we all have them.  Not one of us is perfect.

Ephesians 4:2 - 3 (NLT) 2Be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love.  3Always keep yourselves united in the Holy Spirit, and bind yourselves together with peace.  

What causes fights amongst us?  I believe we lose focus of what our purpose really is and we start looking out for own desires and promoting our own agenda instead of what God wants for us. We start doing things of ourselves, not remembering that we are only a part of an entire body.  

Ephesians 4:4 - 7 (NLT) 4We are all one body, we have the same Spirit, and we have all been called to the same glorious future.  5There is only one Lord, one faith, one baptism,  6and there is only one God and Father, who is over us all and in us all and living through us all.  7However, he has given each one of us a special gift according to the generosity of Christ. 

All of this doesn’t lend the church to turn a blind eye to sin or to hold back truth or not expose false doctrine.  Our inaction can be as bad as our action as in the same way if a police officer sees a crime being committed and does nothing to prevent it.  We should never compromise but always defend the truth and bring injustice to light.  We can expose sinful behavior for what it is but always in a way that points to Jesus and not to our own selfish motives just as Paul confronts Peter in Galatians 2.  It is not our place to condemn but it is our place to make judgment calls.  We must be able to discern what is wrong and what is right and keep a clear distinction between the two as society continually seeks to blur that distinction.  We must remain unified in our focus on what is right and wrong and what is scriptural and what is not.

Ephesians 5:10 - 14 (NLT) 10Try to find out what is pleasing to the Lord.  11Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, rebuke and expose them.  12It is shameful even to talk about the things that ungodly people do in secret.  13But when the light shines on them, it becomes clear how evil these things are.  14And where your light shines, it will expose their evil deeds. This is why it is said,     “Awake, O sleeper,     rise up from the dead,     and Christ will give you light.”  

Unity starts at home.  The family has come under attack like never before.  Married couples have to work at marriage.  Love is not something you fall in and out of.  Love is a choice and it is HARD WORK.  Your marriage is a COVENANT between YOU and GOD to love each other and take care of each other in EVERY CIRCUMSTANCE UNTIL THE DAY YOU DIE!  I believe that we have made it way too easy to dissolve this commitment through the nonsense of no-fault divorce.  Somebody is at fault and it isn’t God.  It makes it that much easier of an argument to approve marriage of those that are involved in immoral and perverted unions when we as Christians can’t make marriage work.  Let God be the focus in your marriage stupid!  Marriages fail because of purely selfish motives.  Men, we are to love our wives as Christ loved the church.  Christ DIED for the church, for us.  That is the love we need to have for our wives.

Ephesians 5:25 - 30 (NLT) 25And you husbands must love your wives with the same love Christ showed the church. He gave up his life for her  26to make her holy and clean, washed by baptism and God’s word.£  27He did this to present her to himself as a glorious church without a spot or wrinkle or any other blemish. Instead, she will be holy and without fault.  28In the same way, husbands ought to love their wives as they love their own bodies. For a man is actually loving himself when he loves his wife.  29No one hates his own body but lovingly cares for it, just as Christ cares for his body, which is the church.  30And we are his body.

Next are the children who are the main target and we most certainly have a responsibility to raise them in the reverence and advice of the Lord.  If not taught by us their minds will be shaped by the philosophy of moral and religious relativism where absolute truth does not exist.  I believe that if we do not lead the children then we are just as guilty of their demise as anyone.

Matthew 19:14 (NLT) 14But Jesus said, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these.”

Parents, you cannot buy your children’s love.  They don’t want things from you.  They want your love, direction, instruction and yes discipline.

Ephesians 6:4 (NLT) 4And now a word to you fathers. Don’t make your children angry by the way you treat them. Rather, bring them up with the discipline and instruction approved by the Lord.

It breaks my heart to hear about the stories of kids in daycare from the time they are 3 months old until they reach school age.  I can’t believe that mothers will take their kids to daycare even on their days off but it happens.  And kids are also mostly ignored in our churches too.  They are expected to be like adults from the time they are 8 years old when they should be discipled, ministered to and taught in a way that is relevant to them.  There is no wonder that an every increasing majority of kids are like they are when they are left to be raised and influenced by everyone but their parents and the church.  Wake up people the future is dim!  We are experiencing a huge hole in the body of Christ!  Kids are abandoning their faith and the church at an alarming rate.

Now, what are we going to do about it?

Year in Review 2005

The last couple of years I was an island in a sea of turmoil on how to cope with learning different aspects of media ministry as well as learning how to communicate with pastors and my own team the vision in which the Lord had given me concerning the ministry in which He has called me to serve.  Unfortunately I learned the hard way on how to not communicate to pastors and how not to handle a position of leadership and how not to deal with anger.

Starting with the Inspiration Technology Conference in Charlotte at the end of May last year the Lord started to open my eyes to how I needed to be a disciple.  He opened my eyes to how many other people have a passion for this ministry.  I discovered training and support in not only the technical side but also the leadership and spiritual side.
In June I was led to discover the world of blogging.  I quickly decided that I liked what I saw and wanted to be a part.  At that time I started Media Ministry.  I have a much easier time expressing myself in writing than in speaking so this was a perfect outlet for sharing, creativity and sometimes to vent.
This is also when I really started to see how much information was out there concerning media ministry and how many are out there going through the same things that I’m going through.  I also have discovered a lot about the church and I have started to develop my own philosophy and ideas about church administration.  

In 2005 I had to come to the realization that I’m a recovering legalist.  That is one of the reasons that I decided to abandon my Christian Action web site and start the blog StandPoint in August.  Plummeting hits didn’t hurt either.  I truly felt the need to go in a different direction.  

I thank all of you that have been an integral part of being used by God for my technical and spiritual growth.  A good portion of those people are my favorite blogs listed on the right.  I think that two of the most influential have been Anthony Coppedge on the media side and Perry Noble on everything else and both on church and ministry.  Anthony Coppedge has his thumb clearly on the pulse of the issues that we who are serving in media ministry are dealing with.  I only regret that I didn’t discover earlier the vast resource of support that Anthony and others share with each other on a daily basis.  Perry Noble tells it like it is and is usually right and always thought provoking.  If you are not reading these two blogs then you should be.

Also there is my church family.  I have enjoyed so much ministering to you as you have ministered to me.  I have enjoyed fostering a relationship with my pastors to truly seek God’s will for our lives and for the body of believers that He has entrusted to you.  

Last but not least is my lovely, wonderful wife.  She is my voice of reason, my compliment, my encourager, my help mate, my best friend.  I thank God for her continually.

I pray that in this new year of 2006 that the church will renew its purpose to truly be the body of Christ.  I pray that I personally will continue to deepen my relationship with God by striving to be Christ-like.  I pray that I place my will in alignment with God’s will in when, where and how I will serve in media ministry.  


Saturday, January 07, 2006

This Caught My Attention

Disc Makers Unveils Redesigned Automated Elite Duplicator and Printer Line
Disc Makers sets a new standard for size and ease-of-use with its latest line of redesigned Elite duplicators—the most rugged automated duplication and printing systems on the market. The new Elite2, ElitePro2, Elite4, and ElitePro4 systems showcase a new FlexWare software suite that integrates disc creation, on-disc design, disc duplication, and printing into one easy-to-use application. In addition, they incorporate the latest 16x DVD±R/48x CD-R drives from Plextor, giving them the fastest, most reliable throughput in the industry.
Read the rest of the review here.

Equipment Appropriation and Elimination

I have noticed lately that I’m starting to accumulate quite a bit of old gear.  Now this is not the old gear that I was talking about in one of my recent posts that is still in use.  Some of this equipment has been sitting around since before it became my responsibility.  Now I’m wondering what I should do with all of this stuff.  Should I sell it?  Give it away?  Or should I find a way to use it somewhere in the church?  My church will not conduct fund raisers so an appealing proposition has been to sell the equipment and refund the budget to help offset cost of other equipment purchases that may arise.  Unfortunately most of this equipment is not worth even advertising.  I think I need to research and see what other churches are doing with equipment that they turn over in any given year.

That brings me to the question of leasing equipment.  I have been hearing of churches that lease their systems and then do an exchange type program every so many years.  An article titled “Leasing AV Systems Can Appeal to Church Buyers” in Houses of Worship by Sound & Video Contractor states that “Today, both mainstream commercial customers and clients in worship venues often look at leasing as a practical way to finance major investments in audio and video systems. Often, church buyers are especially drawn by the advantages of a well-structured lease.”  I know that the appeal is great but I think that church buyers are especially drawn to a sucker deal.  I don’t see the advantages.  I know that technology improvements are replicating at a faster pace as every year passes but I still see our systems as capital investments and not expenses.  I see our systems as a tool for ministry in which we are investing in people and not new toys.  
My first reaction to leasing is NO.  I see leasing as always a bad idea in every purchasing situation known.  I really don’t see why leasing audio, video and lighting systems for our churches would be any different.  I see leasing as paying more for a system over the long haul so you can get it now over paying what the system is worth.  I believe that is not good stewardship.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Tripp Lite Introduces Audio/Video UPS System

In my day job of pubic safety communications we can’t afford to lose power to our systems and equipment.  Lives may depend on that system at any given second.  We rely heavily on Uninterruptible Power Supplies commonly known as UPS.  I don’t see why we shouldn’t be putting the same urgency in keeping our audio and video systems up and running.  That is why I was pleased to see a UPS system specifically designed for audio/video systems.  Check out this announcement on SVC Online.

Tripp Lite Introduces Audio/Video UPS System with Digital Display

SPL Integrated Solutions Announces Email Help Line for House of Worship Technicians

SPL Integrated Solutions recently announced that it has established an email help line to provide answers about audio and video technology to people working at churches and houses of worship. The email address is churchavquestions@splis.com.
SPL is one of the leading nationwide integrators for AV technology and has extensive experience designing and installing AV systems for houses of worship. More than two-thirds of SPL’s 460 employees have AV technical training; more than 60 are certified AV engineers. Many of SPL’s engineers have a national reputation for the church AV projects they have successfully designed and installed.
To make this engineering expertise more readily available to churches of all sizes, SPL’s new email address, churchavquestions@splis.com, is offered to churches at no cost. An email sent to this address will be immediately forwarded to a select team of SPL’s most experienced house of worship engineers. Comments from the engineers will be compiled, and an email with answers and/or recommendations will be returned within 24 hours by SPL’s national HOW marketing manager, Larry Danforth.
If you have additional questions about this service, please call or email Larry Danforth at (972) 938-3940 or ldanforth@splis.com.
Additional information on SPL Integrated Solutions can be found at www.splis.com.

In With The New And Old

It is that time of the year when we start thinking about a fresh start and making new plans.  There may be some of you embarking on new system designs or new construction projects.  We also start on our new budgets.  I’ve been struggling in this area for the last couple of years.  I submit a budget and it is cut in half by the stewardship committee.  I make do with what I have for another year and purchase critical items and consumables with maybe an intermediate equipment purchase.  I then complain about what we could do if we had this or that.  In the end we find a way to make everything look and sound good.  After reading a blog post and a article, the Lord has helped me realize that He is using what we have to let people see and hear what He wants them to see and hear.  The equipment maybe old but it is working most of the time.  When we have had equipment problems we have been able to repair or replace at minimum to no cost.  

The blog post that sparked my thinking was by Pete Bishop in his post titled “What Do You Have?”  Some quotes that stuck with me were, “Maybe instead of asking why don't we....  we should ask what do I have?” and Our perceived "lack of" will always keep our eyes on the problem and off of the solution, but we are never done until we have looked at each problem from every angle. Until we have looked at where we are and where we need to go.  Until we look at available supplies (solutions) and not unavailable ones (problems). Miracles will occur when outcomes are not humanly possible!”

Then I was catching up on some e-newsletters when I ran across a Shure Notes for Houses of Worship.  The features were on sound system design.  The first article I read was titled “Vision in Sound Design” by Josh Isenhart who is Director of Technical Ministries at Lakeview Church in Indianapolis, IN.  His first step says “Old Isn’t Necessarily Bad”.  Isenhart goes on to say, “Before you start drafting that shopping list, take the time to assess the equipment you have on hand. Just because it’s old, it doesn’t mean it isn’t serviceable.”

Also in that same Shure Notes there was an article covering the Highly Intelligible Sound System Standard or HIS System Standard developed by Joseph De Buglio, author and audio consultant who has evaluated over 500 churches in North America.  De Buglio has produced goals and standards that I believe that all churches could adhere to when planning a new design for a sound system.  You can check out the article here.

What I’ve been hearing is that I need to take a second look at my old equipment and see the possibilities and not the problems.  Then when there is a definite need for new equipment or a system then I need to make sure that I have goals and standards in place.    I’ve been experiencing first hand the equipment performing superbly when needed but not seeing and hearing what everyone else was experiencing.  I’m a perfectionist so it may never look and sound like I want it to but if people are being touched by an element being amplified or projected or lighted then who am I to question what God uses.

I will be seeking a fresh perspective by bringing in consultants for audio and video this year but I will also be seeking God’s will so that I may be a good steward of the equipment, people and resources in which I have been entrusted.  In doing so I may see and hear what God is doing through this ministry.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Media & Technology Training

One of the most important things you can do for your media and technology ministry teams is provide training.  Whether you do the training yourself, host training by an outside group or send team members to training it is essential that your team receive training on a regular basis.  Media and technology is ever changing and we must keep abreast of those changes if we are to continue to use media and technology effectively as a tool for worship, evangelism, teaching, discipleship etc.  
Below are lists of seminars being conducted by various groups this year across the nation.

Fits and Starts Production presents H.O.W.-to Church Sound Workshops
  • Jan 6 & 7 – Allentown Presbyterian, Allentown, NJ

  • Jan 13 & 14 – Grace Community Church, Fremont, OH

  • Jan 20 & 21 – Grace Chapel, West Columbia, SC

  • Jan 27 & 28 -- Concord Liberty Presbyterian, Glen Mills, PA

  • Feb 3 & 4 – Heartland Church, Fort Wayne, IN

  • Feb 17 & 18 – Morning Star Baptist, Cantonsville, MD

  • Mar 3 & 4 – Vienna Presbyterian, Vienna, VA

  • Mar 10 & 11 – Bethany UMC, Hampton, VA

  • Apr 7 & 8 – 5th Ave. UMC, Wilmington, NC

  • Apr 28 & 29 – St. John’s Lutheran, Salisbury, NC

Midnight Oil Productions – Digital Storytellers Seminar

Synergetic Audio Concepts – Real World Audio Education

     Sound Reinforcement for Operators
  • Jan 30 & 31 – Dallas, TX

  • Apr 10 & 11 – Indianapolis, IN

  • May 1 & 2 – Providence, RI
     Sound Reinforcement for Technicians
  • Feb 1 & 2 – Dallas, TX

  • Mar 14 & 15 – NSCA Las Vegas, NV

  • Apr 12 & 13 – Indianapolis, IN

  • May 3 & 4 – Providence, RI

     Sound Reinforcement for Designers
  • Feb 20 -23 – Seattle, WA

  • Jun 3-6 – InfoComm, Orlando, FL

These are just a few groups to consider.  Check their sites periodically as they will be adding dates to those already listed.  I’m sure there are many more groups offering training as well.
Also when you decide on a major purchase of equipment or software include training by the manufacturer as part of your purchase agreement.  This will insure that your team is up to speed in the use of new gear.  
Another benefit to keeping your current team up to date on training is it will cut down on the learning curve for new members when they come onboard as they can be trained by other team members.