Monday, January 09, 2006

Year in Review 2005

The last couple of years I was an island in a sea of turmoil on how to cope with learning different aspects of media ministry as well as learning how to communicate with pastors and my own team the vision in which the Lord had given me concerning the ministry in which He has called me to serve.  Unfortunately I learned the hard way on how to not communicate to pastors and how not to handle a position of leadership and how not to deal with anger.

Starting with the Inspiration Technology Conference in Charlotte at the end of May last year the Lord started to open my eyes to how I needed to be a disciple.  He opened my eyes to how many other people have a passion for this ministry.  I discovered training and support in not only the technical side but also the leadership and spiritual side.
In June I was led to discover the world of blogging.  I quickly decided that I liked what I saw and wanted to be a part.  At that time I started Media Ministry.  I have a much easier time expressing myself in writing than in speaking so this was a perfect outlet for sharing, creativity and sometimes to vent.
This is also when I really started to see how much information was out there concerning media ministry and how many are out there going through the same things that I’m going through.  I also have discovered a lot about the church and I have started to develop my own philosophy and ideas about church administration.  

In 2005 I had to come to the realization that I’m a recovering legalist.  That is one of the reasons that I decided to abandon my Christian Action web site and start the blog StandPoint in August.  Plummeting hits didn’t hurt either.  I truly felt the need to go in a different direction.  

I thank all of you that have been an integral part of being used by God for my technical and spiritual growth.  A good portion of those people are my favorite blogs listed on the right.  I think that two of the most influential have been Anthony Coppedge on the media side and Perry Noble on everything else and both on church and ministry.  Anthony Coppedge has his thumb clearly on the pulse of the issues that we who are serving in media ministry are dealing with.  I only regret that I didn’t discover earlier the vast resource of support that Anthony and others share with each other on a daily basis.  Perry Noble tells it like it is and is usually right and always thought provoking.  If you are not reading these two blogs then you should be.

Also there is my church family.  I have enjoyed so much ministering to you as you have ministered to me.  I have enjoyed fostering a relationship with my pastors to truly seek God’s will for our lives and for the body of believers that He has entrusted to you.  

Last but not least is my lovely, wonderful wife.  She is my voice of reason, my compliment, my encourager, my help mate, my best friend.  I thank God for her continually.

I pray that in this new year of 2006 that the church will renew its purpose to truly be the body of Christ.  I pray that I personally will continue to deepen my relationship with God by striving to be Christ-like.  I pray that I place my will in alignment with God’s will in when, where and how I will serve in media ministry.  


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