Monday, June 20, 2005

Still Finding Great Stuff Online

Ever since I attended the Technology for Worship Magazine Inspiration 2005 Conference in Charlotte, NC (the thorn in my side) last month the Lord has been working on me hard to persevere and stay the course that He has laid out for me. He has also provided to me, through that conference and further research, a network of like minded believers who are just as passionate about using media and technology to the glory of God and who encounter the same problems and frustrations that I do.
Although when I was looking in the wrong direction the Lord provided me with a gem of His wisdom through Gary Lamb and that is how I discovered blogging. Now I'm discovering a whole new way of communicating what God has laid on my heart.
Tonight I was catching up on my SVC Enewletters (they provide a Houses of Worship newsletter too) when I ran across an article titled Home On the Web for Church AV Specialist Now I have a new avenue to explore in several more blogs and websites that I can turn to for support and learning. I will be reading and probably linking to these blogs and websites very soon.

1 comment:

Gary Lamb said...

Cool, I didn't know it was through my website you discovered blogging. You know S.C. isn't that far away to move. You should move over to north Atlanta and be our media dude. :)